Moving Out of Mom’s House: Living Alone for the First Time

We all dream of moving out of mom’s house when we hit that big 21; we long for those early mornings filled with coffee and bliss, and that calm privacy you can’t really have when your room is next to mom and dad’s.

I know when I was around 12, movies like 13 going on 30, as well as the show Friends made me so excited about being a young adult, all independent in the midst of the city.

Source: Pexels

And we’ve all seen our fair share of New York’s biggest TV screen prodigies; If Sex and The City and Gossip Girl taught us anything, it’s that young city life in high floor apartments and sleepless exam nights are worth the ever so messy behind the scenes struggles of the romanticized solitary life.

Beyond that TV daydream, living alone is far more complex than the movies have shown us. And since the times change faster than the seasons, not even our moms could prepare us for a world so different from the one they had those exact daydreams in.

Living alone comes with a lot of mature decisions, responsibility, and a sprinkle of occasional loneliness, but let’s call this blog a moving out of parents’ house checklist of sorts. I’ve questioned should I move out of my parent’s house or not for the longest time. How old do you have to be to move out of your parent’s house even?

From both personal experience and, well, one person’s meal struggles, here’s what I’ve learned only after I started living alone; additionally, here are some things you may want to know before even thinking about how to move out of your parent’s house!

Stay on Budget

We’ve all been there, for example, how much money should I save before moving out of my parent’s house? Don’t worry, I didn’t know either.  How to move out with no money too??! No matter how much you make, it’s always a good idea to have a little budget notebook in your nightstand drawer. Dividing your paycheck into all necessary expenses can make your life a whole lot easier, trust me. 

For example, X goes to rent and bills, X goes for food on a weekly basis and I’ll spend an X amount of money on the daily for when I’m at work or Uni. The remaining cash could be used for all secondary necessities like clothing, makeup, and going out with friends. Maybe even a savings account, or whatever floats your boat.

Some people are just born smart for money; others need a reality check notebook every now and then to make sure they aren’t spending too much on bs they don’t really need!

Invest In Your Bedroom

It’s around 9 PM on a Tuesday, and you’ve just put on the new season of Sex Education on Netflix, with a bottle of wine. It’s the perk of living the ‘lone life. You get comfy, take a look around and go…”My room is so comfy, I love it.”

Although not a base necessity, decorating your house and especially your bedroom is super important. Expressing yourself and your style on all of your apartment walls and bookshelves will make you feel more comfortable and safe whilst living alone.  It’s all about giving your house that cozy home feeling.

What are you coming back to after that 9 to 5? Don’t make it feel as if you’re stepping out of one soulless office space into another. Make your home into your safe space. A place where you come to relax, recharge, and a place you’ll be proud of. Your bedroom specifically is your most cherished spot in the house; the heart of your castle if you will.  Make room on your budget list for Ikea shopping sprees every now and then; every home deserves a fixer-upper or a change of scenery. Keep it budget-friendly, but fresh!

Don’t Order, Cook

Uber eats and Wolt sure does have amazing restaurants and meals, but it’s a really bad practice to order food instead of cooking it every other day. After moving out of my parents’ house, I realized we really do have “food at home.”

This is exactly why having some “essentials” on your grocery shopping list is very helpful. Depending on your diet, make sure you always have proteins, greens, and whole grains available; it makes every meal super easy and quick to make. 

Source: Pexels

If you have some frozen chicken and mixed greens, you’re already looking at lunch or dinner. Stack up on oats too; they are a great and cheap breakfast choice. With a little protein powder, berries and bananas, you’re looking at a nice, healthy, and filling breakfast. 

Rice, quinoa, and potatoes are great essentials too, along with tuna, beans, and other canned foods you can find in your supermarket. Lastly, following talented and budget-friendly food bloggers on Instagram, Pinterest and Youtube can help you out when it comes to easy but cheap recipe ideas.

One of my personal favorites is June from Delish, go give her recipes a taste!

Keep a Parent on Speed Dial

I call my mom pretty regularly, especially when I’m feeling extra lonely. But to be fair, I also call her any time I need some apartment or kitchen-related advice. I actually once called her to ask if it was okay to cook rice pudding in a very deep pan instead of a pot; she replied by asking me why on Earth am I cooking rice pudding at 11 pm. Touche. 

And since parents love you unconditionally (for the most part), they don’t mind the plethora of stupid questions you’ll most likely have. But all in all, even if it’s not a parent you’re calling, never be too afraid to ask for advice or help, there is a lot of things to know when moving out. It’s brutal out here sometimes! 

Keep it Clean and Tidy

Probably the best thing you can do in all honesty. Regular cleaning will give your brain the idea that everything is tidy and organized in your life, even if that’s far from the truth.

Plus, isn’t it so nice to wake up in bliss every morning? I love having my morning coffee with everything around me being spotless and clean; minus the cat hairs because that’s a never-ending battle sadly. 

Nonetheless, invest your time and money into taking care of your home, it deserves it, and so do you.

Fight The Loneliness

This one heavily depends on your personality, and how prone to isolation you are. Some folks don’t mind the extra lonely hours, while others can’t bear to stand it. If this is the first time you’re sleeping alone, prepare for it to be a bit odd at first. I come from a big family, so it was super odd and just a tad too quiet for my taste. 

Source: Pexels

The trick here is not to get too used to that isolation; make time to visit back home and hang out with friends. It’s really easy to spiral into a very lonely place due to a change of scenery, busy jobs, or studying. Make time for your friends and family, you don’t even know how helpful it is sometimes. 

Enjoy Your Time

In the middle of all the struggles, fears, and character development, please try and enjoy this time in your life; especially considering this might be your only fully independent period in life.

You don’t want to look back on this era in time and think: “Damn, I should have enjoyed it more when I had the chance.” Focusing on all the good things about the ‘lone life’ instead of the more challenging ones will make for a good memory, not a bad experience. 

A memory you can then turn into advice when it’s someone else’s time to do the exact same thing.  Lately, this is the youngest you will ever be, so enjoy it while it’s here!

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