Aleksandra Okan

Aleksandra Okan is a blog writer, an English teacher, strong, brave, creative, productive, hardworking, and helpful woman. She likes writing about healthy relationships, women’s power and their role in society, about self-love and good self-care. She is interested in psychology, ethnology, history, art, travelling, cooking, home decoration, nature and good wine. She lives in Turkey, province Hatay. She is married and blessed with a cat, Efes. Aleksandra is on the mission to help women accept and love themselves, set healthy boundaries, boost confidence and create good habits. She believes that healthy feminine energy can turn the world into perfect place.

Women’s Cycles and Exercise: Cycling Syncing Workouts

Women’s Cycles and Exercise: Cycling Syncing Workouts womens cycles and workouts

Cycle syncing is a concept that entails adapting your eating patterns and exercise routines to the phases of your menstrual cycle. As there is no one-size-fits-all approach, to alter and support your hormonal health maximally, you should sync your food habits with workout types and intensity to balance all the phases of your menstrual cycle (menstruation, follicular, ovulation, and luteal).

The Art of Apologizing: How to Make Amends Authentically

The Art of Apologizing: How to Make Amends Authentically friend apologizing to a friend

We have all been there, and let’s be honest, nobody is perfect. If you have forgotten your boyfriend’s birthday, your best friend’s graduation, or said something unkind, forgot a promise, or maybe broke a promise and failed to apologize, here are some of the steps on how to apologize to someone and how to make amends authentically.

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