Mila Pavlovic

How to Become A Woman Who Celebrates Other Women

How to Become A Woman Who Celebrates Other Women How-to-Become-Women-Who-Celebrate-Other-Women

Despite the heavy “women supporting women” message in mainstream media and pop culture, young girls and women still seem to struggle with fully adapting this girl-power mentality. Without some serious inner thought and reflection, the road to rot is inevitable. And we are not speaking from a place of stats or buzz-worthy numbers but from […]

How Creative Writing Can Help With Hard Moments in Life

How Creative Writing Can Help With Hard Moments in Life How Creative Writing Can Help With Hard Moments in Life (1)

Interpretation, wonder, and reaction. These three elements are responsible for all art that exists in the world today. Together, they create this familiar feeling of sincere nexus people sometimes hold over a song, a book, or even a painting.  We don’t have to understand what an author or artist wanted to say through the brush […]

The Art of Doing Nothing and its Actual Health Benefits

The Art of Doing Nothing and its Actual Health Benefits The Art of Doing Nothing and its Actual Health Benefits

In 2021, information seems to be spreading faster than the coronavirus, thanks to none other than social media. We are talking files on top of files of exaggerated half-truths and success myths, all wrapped up in a gorgeously face-tuned bow – a combination so perfect it makes every other person start doubting and comparing themselves […]

Do You Take Things Personally?

Do You Take Things Personally? Do You Take Things Personally?

Do you ask yourself, is this really about me? How to stop? Intelligent life, as we know it, has always been a bittersweet adventure. To every up there’s a down, to every lit candle, there is darkness, and to every independent and hard-working person, there are old and “traditional” boundaries that need to be broken. […]

The Power in Confronting the Fear of Failure

The Power in Confronting the Fear of Failure The Power in Confronting the Fear of Failure (1)

If you are a living and conscious human being, chances are you have already failed in life. Many times.  Allow us to explain. From kindergarten all the way to big corporate jobs and projects, human beings can and will mess up and miserably fail at what they’re doing at one point or another. That’s just […]

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